Planet Panther β

Voice of the Elder blogging community

About pP

Planet Panther is a daily look at the Archbishop Elder HS blogosphere. pP syndicates blogs, LiveJournals, Xangas, Yahoo! Groups, and more, all by Elder students and teachers.

It was started on April 1st, 2005, by , using the Planet aggregation software. This site is still in beta-testing (hence the giant letter β up top), and many more features are in the works. If have any suggestions for improving pP, tell Minh about it!

Want to be syndicated here? If you currently live or work at Archbishop Elder High School, and you have a blog of some sort, let Minh know about it! Just provide your name, your class year (department or position if you’re an adult), and the URL (Web address) of your blog. As a bonus, you can even have your head featured next to each of your posts (like an avatar). Send me your photo or really sloppy drawing (faces only, please), and I can include it right here!

Note for those who didn’t get the joke: It’s April Fool’s! This website actually syndicates St. X students, and it will return to being called Planet Xavier tomorrow.

Site News

(You can track more pP happenings at Minh’s Notes.)

1 April 2005

At the behest of various Elder students, I have started a Planet for them. Go Panthers!

22 January 2005

Excessively long entries will be truncated or omitted entirely if necessary. Rule of thumb: if it’s more than three screens long using a 1280×800 resolution (in 12pt Times New Roman), it’s probably going to get truncated. (Hat tip to Eric Webb.)

13 January 2005

Planet Xavier has been upgraded to run on Planet 1.0.0 (development version). I’m reintroducing the Xangas here all at one time, and a ton of backdated entries will appear on top at first; they will gradually get pushed down. Please pardon the sawdust.

1 January 2005

All Xangas and Aiesec Manila blogs have been temporarily removed, because of the lack of any sort of date element. They are currently listed here.


It was started on April 1st, 2005, by , using the Planet aggregation software.

Planet is a flexible feed aggregator. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first.

Planet Panther currently uses Planet 1.0.0 from the “shiny development code” in Scott Remnant’s arch repository. Minh has modified Planet’s “fancy” templates to provide, among other things, this page. He uses Allaire HomeSite 4.0 (now Macromedia HomeSite) for text-editing.


This website copyright © 2004-2005 . All content syndicated here copyright © 2004-2005 their respective authors. Some content used without permission. See the individual entries for detailed copyright information.

Should you have concerns about any copyright-infringing material syndicated here, please contact the author of the respective entry first.


This webpage’s maintainer attempts to catalog as many current students, faculty, and staff as possible; however, the maintainer makes no claims as to the validity of this data. Planet Panther is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Archbishop Elder High School. The people syndicated here are not necessarily affiliated with Archbishop Elder High School. The opinions expressed herein are personal. They are solely the opinions of their respective authors and are not necessarily representative of the school at large. The maintainer is not responsible for any inappropriate material syndicated here.

The maintainer provides this webpage as a service to the visitor. The maintainer provides no warranty for the reliability of this service, and cannot be responsible for any mishaps involving this service. The maintainer reserves the right to terminate or modify this service for any reason, at any time, without prior notice.

Terms of Use

The maintainer reserves the right to remove any feed or image from syndication here for any reason, at any time, without prior notice. Such reasons commonly include, but are not limited to: pollution or spamming of the page, frequent or infrequent posting of illegal and/or inappropriate material, perceived abandonment of blog, and technical limitations. The maintainer retains final authority over inclusion or exclusion of feeds and entries.

The user must acknowledge and abide by all copyrights associated with any of the content. Use this service at your own risk.

Use of this service indicates knowledge of and consent to these terms and conditions.

There. I’ve said it. Now go on, blogging and all…